Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why You Can't Find a Diet That Works

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By Bryan Carpenter

We should first look at why our society is over weight in the first place. Where to begin? First we should talk about portion size. The portion size of the food we consume at home and when we dine out has nearly doubled in the last 30 years. The portion size of the packaged food we buy has followed suit. I don't want to blame one industry but the rise of fast food restaurants have helped create our supper sized eating habits. From the mid 1970's to the early 1990's the number of fast food restaurants increased by 75%. Fast food franchises have cheap food in large portions that are ready in minutes. The fast food industry is not the only restaurant chains that have super sized their portions. Almost all restaurants big or small advertise huge portions as a way to bring in consumers. We have all seen the commercials. More for our money is an attractive and effective marketing tool. So attractive that we have continued the practice in our homes. We have bigger plates and we fill them up every time. I was told to clean my plate and we teach our children the same habits. Changing these habits is the first step.
Portion size is only step one we have much more to do. The kind of calories that we consume are as much to blame. processed foods traditionally have less nutritional value and more calories. When we reach for sugar filled treats or sodas we re-enforce are cravings for sugar. Sugar and our almost addictive need for it is enemy number one. We consume one hundred and fifty six pounds of added sugar every year according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Did you know that is over 30 five pound bags of sugar for each of us. Most of it is hidden. What is "hidden Sugar"? It's the sugar in our diet that was added by the producer. We only add 5% of the sugar consumed ourselves (table sugar or other sweeteners). So I think you should be able to see how important it is to know what is in the foods that we consume. Especially the foods that are processed or pre-packaged meals. Learning how to read nutritional labels is a necessity in todays marketplace. And that will be a subject of a future article.
Hold on, I have one more thing to discuss before I give you the secret to weight loss and improved energy. I will expand more on this in a future article, but here is the short version. I like to call this change in our society "living the easy life". Technology is a blessing in many ways but it can be a curses to our health. Making a daily habit of spending a large block of time in front of the T.V. or playing video games can be dangerous. We love our movie's, T.V. and video games but they are the biggest obstacle in reaching our weight loss goals. You don't have to run 10 miles or work out for an hour every day but you need to get off the coach and move! Severely limit the time you spend on the coach and keep moving. I know we all have many projects that need our attention (to do lists). Spend one month and tell yourself that I'm going to get them done. You will be shocked at all the things that you will accomplish and how much better you feel. Turn it off and move.
O.K. you have been waiting to know the one thing that has stopped you from losing the weight. In one word "YOU". To lose weight even a small amount and keep it off you need to change YOUR HABITS. I didn't write this to discourage you or make you feel guilty. I wrote it to motivate you. You can do it! You can lose the weight and keep it off! You must make real lasting changes in your habits. You may need support. Find the support you need and make the change. You can do it.
Come to my new web page and see if we can help you reach your goals. http://www.youcandiets.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryan_Carpenter


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