Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lose Weight Fast With Positive Self Talk

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By Jason Nicholls

Can positive self-talk actually help lose weight without pills? There is no single easy answer to this query, merely as there is, in truth, no single, easy way that can be used for foolproof weight loss. Certainly just sitting down and self-talking about losing weight will not be the single thing you have to do for real weight loss results, simply because positive self-talk does not work quite that way. It can't move pounds move from your body, but if practised properly and effectively it can alter your intellectual state and your openness to the idea that many parts of a weight loss program will lead you toward long term, balanced weight loss. Positive self-talking is not about getting anywhere without having to do any single thing at all, but rather about motivating yourself to get the willpower you need to reach your goals.
What is the first step toward losing weight through affirmations?

First, you need to make a definite affirmation about the weight-loss procedure. Start by reminding yourself that you are fully committed to getting a healthier body and more balanced life style. Verbalize how fantastic you will feel once you have achieved your goals, and continually reinforce all these statements to completely make them your own.
Next, you should decide if you are carrying extra weight and in need of an actual diet and physical exercise regimen at all. Some men and women have been conditioned to the idea of their weight by spiteful comments made in their childhood or adolescent years or influenced by the media's concept of beauty, but might actually they may have a perfect weight to height ratio.
First, therefore, you ought to first ask a doctor, who will give information that your weight, height and lifestyle are okay. If you are not, there might not be a physical weakness in your current life style but rather a health issue. Maybe your doctor will discover a thyroid imbalance or other health condition that has contributed to your weight, stopping you from achieving a healthy body image. If this is the case, no number of positive self-talking sessions will help you merely because traditional weight loss programs will not be of any use to you, because your trouble will need to be dealt with medically. If, however, your trouble is to do with dieting and/or physical exercise, your doctor might be able to give you suggestions as to how you can go about losing weight in a healthy way.
They may suggest various vitamins, or suggest that you correct other wellness concerns that would make the weight loss process hard or even dangerous, like anemia or high blood pressure. These conditions need to be sorted out and monitored before you are available to start any sort of physical exercise program.
Okay, after you have seen a doctor, how does affirmation and self-talk come into the picture? Once you have discussed your health with a doctor, you can start the process of making affirmations and self-talking as motivation to lose weight fast. Now that you have acquired some real facts from your family doctor, you have an idea on which to concentrate when you look at yourself and the problem you wish to tackle.
Your physician will have given you some medical information about the weight loss procedure, and it is a great thing to do, to retain this and keep it handy every time you sit down to prepare yourself for your exercise and self-talk program. Study the data and remind yourself how wonderful, well and fantastic you will feel once you have accomplished the program, and refer to the materials given to you by your physician. They will provide a sound foundation for reminding yourself of your goals as well as how possible it is to accomplish them.
By spending a few minutes each morning, invigorating yourself with these reminders, you will build yourself the incentive necessary for starting and keeping up healthy dieting and an exercise program that suits you best for losing weight.
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