Monday, March 7, 2011

Lose Weight Fast - Learn Effective Ways To Burn Fat Fast

By Sharon Belva

Click Here To Lose Weight Now!

No one wants to be a loser, unless you are looking to lose weight. Losing weight is a struggle, which is why most of us put it off rather than take it off, but there are a few simple things you can do to help yourself in your effort to lose weight.
Forget counting calories. For most people it just does not work. It's too easy to lose count and to cheat. Rather than count calories, strive to burn fat by controlling what you eat. To lose weight fast, you must burn fat fast. Experts are now recognizing that the creators of diets which stress low carbohydrates are among the best tools you can use in your effort to burn fat.
How do you get that fat burning furnace fired up? It is a proven fact that the body uses carbs as "fuel", but, by taking in too many carbohydrates you give your body more fuel than it needs. So, since it cannot use that fuel, your body stores it. And, it stores those excess carbohydrates as fat. By greatly reducing your intake of carbs you will force your body to burn fat fast. The body must have fuel to function and without carbohydrates, it will resort to burning fat instead.
One way to quickly reduce your carbohydrate intake is to eliminate white breads and white sugars from your diet. Remember that starch converts to sugar in the body, so cut back on things like pasta as well. If this is too much for you to start with, cut back slowly. Not only will you start to lose weight fast, you will soon notice a difference in the way you feel. Your energy will increase because you will be giving your body less sugar. Too much sugar makes you feel sluggish. Cut down and notice not only weight loss, but more energy.
Exercise for some of us it's almost a bad word, but there's no way around it. Increasing the amount of exercise your body gets is going to help you with losing weight and, just like cutting down on carbs, it too will make you feel better. There are so many different means of exercise and the key to sticking with an exercise routine is to find one that you actually like. If you don't like it, you won't stay with it.
Another way to help you lose weight is to learn what triggers your eating. Usually it is not actual hunger but more likely to be something else. For some, the trigger is stress. For others it's boredom. Pay attention too when you find yourself eating when it isn't meal time. Once you learn to recognize your eating triggers, you can make an effort to divert yourself from them.
Losing weight doesn't normally "just happen". It takes a conscious effort, but by making some small changes, you will soon see big results.
Learn the best way to lose weight fast and get rid of your body fat maintaining your muscles in the process.
Sharon from

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