Friday, March 18, 2011

Should You Exercise For Fast Weight Loss?

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By Michael Mukoyogo

We all want to get in better shape and this leads inevitably to the gym. It makes sense, we've been taught that if we want something we have to go out and take action, right? Exercise feels like a way of doing that something. We feel good and get that wholesome feeling that comes when we are chasing down our dreams.
But should you exercise for fast weight loss?
Here are the fundamentals
We are talking about fast weight loss. Time matters.
We don't have infinite time to spend on the body we desire. Energy deficit is the real crux. If we use more calories than we take in we will lose weight.
Just how fast it is depends on the size of the deficit you can create.
You can create the energy deficit required, using diet, exercise, or any combination of the two
The most time efficient solution that offers you the most time for life is to focus on eating rather than exercise. Here is why.
1) Exercise is inefficient
You can't out exercise a bad diet. If you could then the idea of burning off that pizza with a quick run around the block could be a happy reality. But it isn't.
2) Exercise is inconvenient
Do you really want to spend all your time on a treadmill? Not if you have a life. Being in shape should add to your life, not take it over.
3) Exercise can aid a nutrition plan, but that is it
The best use of exercise is to tone and shape your body. Fast weight loss is going to be mainly about learning to eat in line with your goals.
4) You can do less, not more, and get the results you want
Most people give up on workouts because in the end they don't have time, they have to give up being in shape. Don't let this be you, this can be a choice you never have to make, just don't start with a solution that is leading to a dead end.
So should you exercise for fast weight loss? It may help but its not the home run. Focus on learning to eat for weight loss instead and use exercise to tone and shape your body.
When you get it right, results are not only fast but get you results that are sustainable. Habits. The process of becoming that person, this is what diet gives you. You won't have to keep giving more to it like you would with exercise. (it's demoralising knowing that to get better you have to do more....forever!)
And the fear that if you ever stop the weight comes back with a vengeance.
You have a life to lead, don't waste it.
For more on why exercise isn't' the fastest route to weight loss visit

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