Sunday, March 20, 2011

Top Five Methods To Lose Belly Fat Fast

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By Peter Hogg

In the context of losing belly fat what we all require is a good resource which makes available the information and facts that would allow us to take correct decisions with regards to losing fat quickly. Here in the following sections we will explore various methods which when correctly adopted can help you with your weight loss goals.
Lose Belly Fat

1. Proper Exercise Routine
You can get rid of this by doing calorie burning aerobic exercises as these exercises help in losing fat from all parts of the body including your belly section. Unlike common misconception, it is not possible to spot burn that belly fat.
But if you do aerobic exercises regularly then belly fat would be first to go away. You can also include resistance training in your exercise routine by using resistance bands & free weights which can help you further with your weight loss goals.

2. Check Calorie Consumption
Monitoring how much calorie consumption you are having per day and reducing it is important for you to lose weight. The reduction in calorie intake should not be drastic; rather it should be a gradual process which will make losing fat quite simple and less painful. But it will always be a good thing to consult your physician before starting up with a diet plan.

3. Increase Intake of Whole Grains
Many research studies have shown that if you consume more of whole grains then losing weight will be faster compared to when you are on refined grains. The insulin & glucose response of the body changes significantly when you take in more whole grains and melting of visceral fat speeds up inside your body.
Additionally, you will see a lot of improvement if along with whole grains you take 5 servings of vegetables & fruits, 3 servings of dairy products which are low on fat & 2 servings of fish, poultry and lean meat.

4. Select Which Fats to Eat
It is well known that if your daily food consumption includes a higher percentage of MUFA or Mono Unsaturated Fats which can be found in nuts, soybeans, avocados, chocolates & seeds, the deposit of fat will be lesser in your body.
Try to avoid taking in Trans fats found in cookies, crackers & margarines or anything which is made with hydrogenated oils as these are known to result in belly fat quite quickly.

5. Increase Fiber Intake
Reduction in levels of insulin and consequent burning of belly fat known as visceral fat is increased if you intake more of soluble fibers such as cherries, apples & oats. If you are eating apples or potatoes, make sure the skin stays and you do not peel it off as most of the fibers are in the skin itself. In addition to it try and include foods which are rich in protein such as split peas which is rich in proteins.
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