Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Men's Stomach Fat - Gone!

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By Ashley A Butler

Guys have you ever considered how you can remove your unwanted stubborn stomach fat, enjoy higher energy levels and see your abs for the first time or even after a long time? Imagine not having to carry around that excess ab fat or not having to struggle to find decent fitting clothes. If you acquired the knowledge to enable to dress in the clothes you admire and have your friends and family demand to know your secret, how would you feel? There is a tried and tested ab fat burning method which will empower you to apply this knowledge to your own life and possess a body you will be proud of.
You may wonder if or how this is achievable, are there any health risks, is this physically harmful and if this technique is sustainable long-term. You may be relieved as well as pleased to learn that much effort has gone into the development of this proven technique and it is one that is used by the professionals in a service we heavily rely upon.
The military has gone through extensive, continuous research and development to ensure the physical training their soldiers undergo will enable them to be strong and fit enough to defend the country against any attack. Contrary to what you may have been taught about the supposed food belly fat loves, or your belief about the various mainstream weight loss methods marketed in commercials, if you have already or are currently trying any of these methods you will soon realize that these don't always deliver what they promise. Avoiding some of the food you may think is unhealthy, will only lessen your chances of losing stomach fat permanently.
You may also be surprised to learn that you don't have to give up on the food you love or food that makes you feel guilty either. Our body is designed in such a way that it needs certain types of sugar and fat from time to time. Completely depriving yourself from these types of foods will only result in failure. You will be taught how to use these foods as a powerful source to burn even more fat. In the military food is cleverly used to fuel the body, high intakes of certain carbohydrates are required in order to be able to perform the rigorous physical training programs in place.
Men's stomach fat can easily be eradicated if you select the right type of food and engage in the right type of exercise program. It needn't be depriving or exhausting, by acquiring the right information and applying it to your daily intake of food and your exercise routine you will start to see results quickly. Despite what you have been made to believe about fat, there are good types of fat essential to your body's ability to function. These contain essential fatty acids, which you usually find in certain oils like flaxseed, blueberry seed and cod liver oil. These all have omega-6 and omega-3 which is good for lowering cholesterol and inhibits the thickening of the arteries. They also cause the body to secrete more leptin, an anti obesity hormone which, increases the metabolism and stabilizes the amount of insulin in the bloodstream.
One valuable piece of advice is to NEVER go on a diet as 99% of them lead to disappointment and failure. There are thousands of diets that have been approved by the FDA and very few people have experienced long-term weight loss success and have ended up feeling worn out and frustrated as a result. This is because diets are usually too restrictive not allowing you much freedom and they regard food as the enemy. There are various ways you can use food to lose stomach fat, so there is no need to punish or starve yourself. Food is a powerful fuel and when used in the correct way, it nourishes your body and allows you to gain higher energy levels and to build muscle strength. If you learn how to eat to lose stomach fat, eating the foods belly fat hate, so that fat burning will occur naturally, you will accomplish effortless weight loss and feel good and look healthier for it.
We have briefly addressed the rules relating to food, you may be thinking, what about exercising? Taking up gym membership and engaging in long cardio workouts on the tread mill or exercise bike is not the most effective means to tone and build your body. Home gyms, exercising equipment, ab gadgets claiming to remove men's stomach fat, regardless what the latest fad is, much of these systems are a waste of your hard-earned cash. In the military gym equipment is rarely used, specific bodyweight exercising techniques are used to stimulate the body's central nervous system, which increases its natural ability to burn fat rapidly. The proven technique of participating in a variety of short intense training exercises, that work certain muscle groups, is the most effective and healthy way to sustain weight loss. Push-ups, pull-ups and anaerobic work-outs are some of the exercises used to gain muscle strength and lose unwanted fat.
Finally the key to success is your mindset, with the wrong mentality you will accept failure as an option. Society today makes it so easy if you choose to fail, offering every excuse in the book that will prevent you from achieving your goal. OK you might say you do not have your desired physique due to lack of will power, motivation or support or you haven't found the right weight loss program to suit your lifestyle. You may even look at how unsuccessful you have been in past and use that as a block to you accomplishing your future goals. With the right mindset, taking immediate action and focusing on success not failure you will be surprised at how quickly you will have become in control of your weight and attained your goal.
For much more information on how to get rid of men's stomach fat...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Lose Arm Fat for Women - Five Exercises to Remove Those Fats in the Arms

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By Michael Jean Wilson

Most women would dread the fact of having flabby arms. But this problem is quite common so there is really nothing to worry about since the solution is rather simple. The following are five simple arm exercises that you can do at home to help you with how to lose arm fat for women.
Pushups - Pushup is a great form of exercise that helps to build both the upper and lower section of the body. This exercise is excellent in maintaining arm strength and thus, helps to work the muscles on your arm in order to get rid of fats. When doing pushups, try to position your hands in different directions in order to exercise various parts of your muscles.
Weight lifting - Lifting weight is a common exercise that could make your arms to be firm. Depending on how you want your arms to become, the number of times as well as the weight of the object to lift would vary. Be sure to take this exercise slow at the start, because sudden lifting of heavy objects could lead to injuries.
Backward lifts - Not only that backward lifts help you to lose arm fats, it is also good in strengthening your upper back, giving you a deep workout even without using any weights. To do this, stand with your feet apart while bending slightly your knees and your elbows, at the same time lifting your forearms up and moving your hands up as far back as you can. After that, slowly lift your arms and try to draw them even farther back and release to your starting position.
Triceps dip - This exercises are the best way to build your triceps and help a lot in getting rid of the flab in your arm. A table is necessary is when doing this exercise, since you need to place your hand on the table while facing away from it and then slowly walk away. Afterward, lower your body slowly while your weight is on your hands.
Triceps extensions - The triceps extension is great in removing excess fats right at the back of the upper portion of your arm. Do this exercise by holding a dumbbell on both hands and then slowly raising your arms on your head until such time that your elbows will form a 90-degree angle. Perform these exercise with at least 30 repetitions everyday and in only one month, your upper arms will no longer have those ugly fats.
Given this list of exercises, you can tell that it is certainly easy to solve your problems on how to lose arm fat for women. But remember to perform all the exercises in the list and not just choose one, so that you'll be able to completely remove that flab on your arms. And more importantly, along with these exercise programs, you should be careful with your diet as well, since exercises will not be beneficial unless you follow a strict weight loss diet.
Learn more about removing excess fat swiftly at burn fat fast. Merely exercising isn't nearly sufficient, take a look at fast weight loss diet to find out about creating healthy diet plan.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fat Loss For Idiots: A Safe And Sensible Approach

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By Dr. Tom Rhudy

Many individuals realize that it's time to give serious consideration to fat loss. It is estimated that about 40% of our population suffers from obesity. Several efforts have been expended to improve the standard of living on the one hand and improve food quality on the other. The proper quality and quantity of food will determine whether one achieves both an appropriate state of health and ideal weight.
Discussions surrounding weight loss and fat loss include elements that involve exercise, caloric consumption, metabolic disease processes, etc. Fortunately, there are many fat loss programs available today that seem to perform miracles in helping individuals achieve weight loss and improved states of health.
Individuals are finding a great deal of assistance when searching the Internet
If you're willing to invest some time searching the Internet, you'll readily find sites that are devoted solely to the topic of fat loss. Sadly, many make unrealistic promises to enable individuals to lose excessive amounts of weight in a matter of days. Many sites also promise to achieve unrealistic goals of fitness levels within an extremely short period of time. It is important to keep in mind that food is not the enemy. Oftentimes, it is simply the fact that individuals lack sufficient self-control and a willingness to reduce the number of calories consumed and increase the levels of exercise performed on a daily basis.
Many of these plans encourage individuals to eat more than three times a day. It is important to approach these programs carefully. Certainly, if you do have a physician, you should keep your physician advised of specific diets to enable your physician to monitor your weight loss program and avoid complications that may arise as a result of untoward interactions with medications you may be taking.
What is responsible for increasing your waist-size?
The answer is very simple and clear. A good program can show you how to burn calories and leads to both fat loss and waist-size reduction. It is a proven fact that weights loss with some artificial techniques, such as liposuction, may result in severe complications and unimaginable side effects.
We have referred to this information as "fat loss for idiots" because when we apply simple principles, it is relatively easy to achieve the fat loss goals we desire. Therefore, how and when the fuel (i.e., food) you consume is metabolized (i.e., burned) is a key to your success in weight loss.
Looking to find the best information on fat loss? Then visit us to obtain information regarding the benefits of weight loss today.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exercises for the Waist - Master These 2 Most Effective Exercises To Get a Small Waist and Look Sexy

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By Samatha Smyth

Apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, and several other diseases...this obviously leads to decrease in your natural life span. To avoid this, you need to take care of your waist fat as soon as possible.
For an average male, the ideal waist size must not be more than 40 inches while waist size for women must be lower than 35 inches. It also depends on your overall Body Mass Index (BMI) which takes into account your overall weight and height. You can also consult with your family doctor as well as an experienced physical fitness trainer to decide the most suitable exercises to reduce the fat around your waist.
Here are some of the most time tasted and healthy exercises you can try out at your home to start losing your belly fat naturally.
1) Side Bends Exercise: Side bends are effective to work out your muscles around the waist. You can either perform this exercise in a standing position or you can also sit in a chair in a straight position to perform these side bends. Keep your knees slightly bent and keep some distance in your legs while you are in a standing position.
Get small weights in both of your hands and start touching your knees with the weight in each hand. You can switch your hands while you bend slightly. This creates some tension in your abdominal muscles. Performing more than 30-40 reps per day can easily reduce some extra fat around your waist.
2) Side Crunches Exercise: Side crunches are very beneficial for tightening the muscles around your belly and it helps to lose waist fat dramatically in few days if you keep practicing it regularly. This exercise is somewhat difficult to master in the beginning but after some regular practice, it can be performed comfortably. The waist muscles can be toned and shaped effortlessly with the help of this exercise.
The actual procedure is very simple and easy to follow. There are two positions in this exercise. You can first start with right side and then go with left side. First lie down on your right side and put your right hand on your right side of the stomach. At the same time, put your left hand on your left ear and point the left elbow
towards the ceiling. Now start exerting some pressure on your right side and raise your right leg and right arm as close to each other as possible. In this position, your head must be as close to your right knee as possible.
This position helps to tone your abdominal muscles and reduces fat around your waist naturally. Once you finish exercising on the right side then you can begin working out on your left side. Perform 20-30 reps for every position.
These are the 2 most effective and time proven exercises for the waist which I believe can really help you lose the excess fat around your stomach. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.
Wait...Wait! Do you want more advanced and 400% more effective waist exercises to quickly lose your body fat? You need an effective weight loss plan to carry out quick and natural fat loss in just few days. Download my free report at the following website which exposes the truth of weight loss plans and discover where you are failing in your current weight loss attempts.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Losing Weight Gradually Without Stress

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By Mikel Cole

The modern woman has to worry about a lot of things in her life, including the way she looks. At one point time, she must have gone into dieting. The need to maintain or achieve a desirable body means making it fat free; like those of Hollywood beauty queens and ramp models. Hence, we resort to diets such as the Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet, or take up exercise lessons and fitness programs, indulge in slimming spa treatments and surgical procedures such as the costly (and often dangerous) liposuction.
Why do women want to lose weight? For some, there is the need for aesthetics to boost self-esteem. Clothes look better on slim women, and today's fashion trends favor the tall and slimmer ones. Apparently, some people need to lose weight for health reasons. Being an overweight person often leads to serious health issues such as hypertension, heart problems, or diabetes. Drastic lifestyle changes will have to be implemented to curb down obesity. Such a problem is not as prevalent as it was than today. Back then, people were physically active, don't depend on some power tools, eat less fatty foods and don't spend the whole afternoon lying on the couch watching TV.
The change in lifestyle is the key to effective weight management without the stressful "yoyo" dieting. A good start would be to engage oneself in physical activities like an early morning jog or brisk walk followed by a healthy breakfast of yoghurt, fruits, and oatmeal to aid in a regular bowel movement.
A sedentary desk job could be fixed by frequent breaks like walking around, stretching exercises, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The usual greasy fast food lunch could be remedied with a vegetable or fruit salad, and the soda with a hot tea or fresh fruit juice. Evening meals should be light; consider the effects to the digestive system when taking too much food before bedtime. If this happens, one should take a walk outdoors before hitting the bed.
There are many ways to avoid too much food intake. Take for instance the SENSA weight loss system. It neutralizes the taste buds and in effect, reduces one's food cravings. Hence, there is no need for second helpings or that tempting dessert to wrap up a meal.
One could also avoid going to those endless buffets where you eat all you can, with no leftovers or going to restaurants offering unlimited rice or refills. In order to achieve self-discipline, you need to know what motivates you. Needless to say, our sagging economy calls for belt-tightening measures, and this would be a good time to be sensible when it comes to food expenses. With the right attitude and determination, one loses weight without too much stress.
Mikel is a writer and likes to write about sensa reviews and ediet reviews.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to Burn Belly Fat Like A Fat Burning Machine - 2 Brilliant Tips to Follow

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By Decaprio M.

It has been reported over the years that the percentage of obese children and adults have been rapidly increasing. Many people these days, women especially can get quite conscious about their looks and may try various weight loss techniques which can be a hazardous to their health such as by becoming anorexic, bulimic or even by trying weight loss pills and other supplements. The truth is, fat is important to the human body because it has many positive functions, you should only worry when you've got fat in excess and the only way to check that would be by checking your BMI where you calculate your weight against your height.
If you find that you're overweight and want to get into shape, don't turn to hazardous weight loss techniques but follow these five simple tips that will give you positive results and is a healthy way to lose that excess weight.
1. Exercise. Nothing says weight loss better than some good old exercise. There are no excuses as to why you can't do this, many people say they don't have the time but if you've got the determination to lose weight then you should make time. To give yourself the discipline and motivation, join a gym or a workout class such as dance, yoga or anything else. When you've got to pay for the services, you're more likely to use the facilities more. On top of that, these group exercises are fun and will be a boost for you to do it. If classes are costly then fret not because weight loss can be done at no cost as well. All you need to do is fit half an hour of exercise in your day and you can do anything at all. You can take a long walk, go for a jog, swim during the weekends, go cycling or you can mix up all the different exercises everyday. The point is to keep moving. If you're one who spends hours at the office, make an effort to take the stairs instead of the elevator and park further away from the building so that you'd have to walk more steps through your day.
2. Watch your food. It's time to declutter your kitchen of all the chocolates, cookies, candy, fried foods and anything fatty. When you're done, stock up on plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and fibrous foods such as multi grain cereals, whole meal bread and so on. Switch the food you take and when you're able to stick to eating only healthy food, then reward yourself with a piece of chocolate at the end of the week. Portioning is also important, instead of eating three large meals a day; eat about six very small meals through the day to keep your stomach at constant work. Just because you're eating healthy doesn't mean you should overeat. To help you have proper meals, look for various healthy recipes online, there are some which are so simple you can whip it up in a couple of minutes.
Can't wait to say goodbye to your fat belly? Get started with the right way of getting flat abs fast by visiting this website - CLICK HERE.
It is surprising that you could not lose your belly fast by following Truth About Abs method as this method has helped many people to lose their unwanted belly fat which seemed impossible to accomplish.
If you are seriously looking for the best method to lose belly fat fast - visit

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dieting Without Cravings?

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By Darren Hesselink

Starting a dieting program usually does not make people feel warm and fuzzy inside. They are usually starting because they are fed up and depressed about the way they look, or because their weight is effecting their health. Either way, most weight loss programs are started out of frustration. This frustration increases when you start thinking about how hard it's going to be, all the willpower and self motivation it's going to take to resist the urge to binge on sweets and sleep in instead of hitting the gym.
Generally, the biggest concerns I hear from people starting a weight loss program are the problems with cravings. You know what I'm talking about, especially if you have ever been on a low-fat diet. Intense cravings for food that fog your mind and sometimes even keep you up at night. You have probably had to deal with the hunger pangs, and fatigue that also come with dieting. This would be enough to make anyone feel disheartened right from the beginning.
But you can change the way you feel about dieting by changing the way you diet. Picking a diet that is already designed to reduce cravings is key. Many people are under the impression that a low fat diet is best for quick fat loss. However, your body NEEDS fat to function, and this can lead to intense cravings that are almost impossible to ignore. These low fat diets also push the consumption of grains, which cause a flood of insulin into your bloodstream, further increasing your hunger and cravings.
The best way to diet with the smallest amount of cravings is to not diet at all. Think of it as changing your lifestyle, and your eating style for good. Cut out foods that cause cravings due to an insulin response, such as bread, potatoes, rice and sugar. Eat fats that are not highly processed. This includes cutting out vegetable oils and eating more saturated fats. Eating a breakfast high in fat will help curb your cravings throughout the day.
A low carbohydrate diet has been well known for some time to be the quickest way to lose weight, and scientists are starting to find that it is the healthiest as well. If you have problems with cravings while dieting, this may be your best option since you do not have to count calories or go hungry. And remember, starting a low carbohydrate lifestyle does not mean that you will never again be able to enjoy a bowl of ice cream or that office birthday cake. You can certainly indulge in these things sporadically, without feeling guilty at all.
Get more Orlando workout, health, and fat loss advice at
Darren Hesselink is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fat Loss Coach in the Orlando Area and teaches you how to lose fat and get lean without slow cardio and unrealistic diets.
Supercharge your Orlando Fat Loss Today!

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Lose Weight In 1 Week - Virtually Guaranteed!

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By T. Adam

If you are wondering how to lose weight in 1 week, then I'll suggest that it's not an over ambitious thought. You can make small changes in your daily lifestyle and see dynamic changes in your weight. Even small things can make a difference if you are looking at quick weight loss results. One such way to weight loss is taking the stairs instead of the lift or you can just simply climb seven or eight floors of your building and you will definitely see changes in weight within a week.
Any weight loss program is a waste without will power, determination and plan. If your are determined on how to lose weight in 1 week then you need to follow some rules stringently. You can take pictures of your meal plate before and after meal and save it on your cell phone. If you observe it later then you will get motivated to further control your portion size.
Taking multivitamins like A, D, B complex etc; can be of great help in quick weight loss as multivitamins prevent hunger pangs and one feels less hungry during the day while consuming multivitamins.
Strength training exercises and speed training helps greatly in how to lose weight in 1 week. You need to pace up your workout time and reduce rest periods to see quick results. Whenever you take a weight loss program make sure that you consume oranges or vitamin C in some form as it facilitates weight loss. You should snack on fruits and vegetables whenever you feel hungry at odd hours. You can eat different coloured fruits and vegetables to avoid monotony on your plate.
You can also take up yoga for two to three times a week as correct breathing can enhance your metabolism. Another important thing that needs to be considered on how to lose weight in 1 week is cutting down on calories. You should bring down your daily calorie consumption to 2000 cal to alleviate the weight loss program. Avoid all the aerated and sweet beverages during weight loss.Fresh juice and water is only acceptable. For an aggressive and quick weight loss program you need to take aerobic exercises like walking jogging or other free hand exercises.
If you are considering on how to lose weight in 1 week then I'll suggest that you don't act very strict with your body. If your body starts aching then listen to it and allow it to rest as it is better than pushing it and causing injury. After you have passed one week diet make sure that you continue your diet and exercises otherwise whatever you have lost will come back in no time.
Weight loss is possible and achievable.You just need determination and passion towards it to maintain your ideal weight and body shape.
That's about it on how to lose weight in 1 week - virtually guaranteed!
However, if you want real, solid and proven information on how to lose weight in 1 week that you can put to work today, then check out these 3 ebooks on my blog now.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Food Belly Fat Hates

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By Ashley A Butler

It is possible to lose 9 pounds every 11 days with the 10 easy rules of fat loss without ever having to go on another low-carb, low-calorie or low-fat diet again.
Despite what you have been previously taught, you can not lose weight using low-fat diets. There has been a demand for this type of food for more than 15 years, yet still obesity is on the increase and as a population we are getting fatter. Does that not tell you something, that eating low-fat food has no effect at all when trying to melt stomach fat.
You may believe using a low-calorie dieting plan is the solution, but you will be surprised to know that eating a low amount of calories is the worst thing you can do to your body, as this will cause your body's fat burning mechanism to slow down and prevent any weight loss. For example if you generally eat 2,500 calories per day, your body's mechanism will burn 2,500 per day. If you decrease your calorie intake and consume a lesser amount of say 1,000 per day, your body will detect the change and will adjust to burn 1,000 calories per day. Although you may see small amount of weight loss for the first few days, you will only see that weight loss comes to a halt, this is known as a dieting plateau. This proves that you can never get slim by depriving yourself and the more food you eat to lose belly fat, at the right intervals, the more you will lose weight permanently.
Have you ever tried using a low-carb dieting plan and failed? Like low-fat diets, low-carb diets have become more popular over the recent years. Have you ever tried following one and found that it is too strict and leaves you feeling drained? If you are extremely conscientious and like following strict, regimental rules, then that may be for you. Not only are these diets strict and difficult to follow, they also sap all your body's energy, causing you to feel lethargic and fatigued, that is why the success rate of these types of diets are relatively low.
Weight loss clubs or groups are an option some people go for as this is a corporate method where you can compare and share success and difficulties as a group. This method is a slower dieting technique which is stretched out over a longer period of time. On such programs generally, you can expect to see 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Some of these programs also usually require you to buy special meals and or take supplements during the initial phases. While some people may like these types of diets, they can be quite tedious and expensive in the long-run.
There is an easier more effective dieting plan which focuses on faster and permanent weight loss. The "Accelerated Fat Burning Program" gives you the freedom to enjoy food and burn stomach fat simultaneously. It teaches you how to avoid foods that cause stomach fat and turn on your fat burning hormone triggered by your brain. In this program you will learn to select the right type of food belly fat hate, control the correct amount of calories per meal and how to eat meals in the right pattern daily. What you are about to discover, will dispel all the misconceptions you have had in the past about food.
There is food belly fat hate and knowing how to use this food will enable you to trigger the fat burning hormone glucagon. Glucagon is secreted by the pancreas and it is the chemical responsible for releasing the glycogen that is stored in your liver, which then converts it into glucose used by our body for fuel. This causes glucose levels to raise in your blood and it has the opposite effect of insulin which is responsible for lowering the levels of glucose in the blood. Proteins trigger this hormone and by eating the right kind of lean protein will accelerate your ab fat burning process causing glucagon to be released.
Typical examples of lean proteins are wild fish, salmon, mackerel, halibut, mullet and sea bass, organic chicken and game. Certain types of carbohydrates are also excellent fuel for the body, as they raise energy levels required for it to function effectively. Carbohydrates can be found in fruit and vegetables such as apples, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, sweet potatoes, spinach and celery are also great food to lose stomach fat. Grains such as spelt, sprouted grain, millet, quinoa and brown rice are good ab fat burning foods. Some saturated fats enable your body's ability to accelerate its fat-burning process, avocados, whole eggs, real butter, coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil are all examples. These foods are healthy, rich in nutrients and care for your body as they burn fat.
The fact is, food is a chemical, your body is an engine and you can either eat to get fat or thin. Eating at the wrong time of the day and by not choosing the correct food to lose stomach fat, will only cause your body to store unwanted, ugly fatty deposits and cause damage to your health. By carefully choosing the right types of ab fat burning foods and eating them at the right time of day and in the right combination, you will see your unwanted weight disappear faster than you would normally expect.
Stop punishing and starving yourself, eat sensibly, more than 3 times per day and learn how to recognize the food belly fat hates today.
If you want to learn more about this... CLICK HERE!

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Diet Solutions for Obesity

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By Carmen Morgan

Weight loss is a common issue that everyone worries about. The side effects of obesity appear every day in the media and it is becoming a national epidemic in the United States. The weight loss industry is making millions of dollars on this epidemic by selling and promoting all types of gimmicks and products designed more to lessen your wallet than your jean size! Here are some simple tips that will help you take action on your own and give you easy diet solutions. Changing your diet in a simple, easy way and adding some movement in your routine are all you really need to begin to shed those unwanted pounds.
Stop worrying about losing weight! Stressing over how much you want to lose weight isn't going to help, in fact, it will only cause your body to go into the "fight or flight" mode and store extra fat. You need to relax and develop a plan to take action now! Start simple. Plan to reduce your portion size and start a simple fifteen minute daily walk, then gradually increase your exercise and reduce your fat intake. It's really that simple! It won't take long to start seeing results.
If you are hoping for lasting results, try to lose an average of about two pounds each week. To reduce your weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. When you combine dieting with exercise, you are reducing your calorie intake and increasing your metabolism rate at the same time and the result will be a much trimmer, healthier you! Don't place unreasonable expectations on yourself and set unrealistic goals by trying to lose too many pounds too fast. Just pace yourself and concentrate on eating healthier foods in smaller portions and adding a simple fifteen minute walk into your daily routine.
Save time and money. Don't waste your hard-earned money on the newest weight loss gimmick. Fad diets, diet shakes, and products that make claims too good to be true, probably are! These types of products have limited results and do nothing more than take your time and hard earned money. Eating a nutritionally balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins will get the results you want more rapidly than any miracle weight loss gimmick you can buy. Do yourself a favor and just stop wasting time, energy, and money on these products and start a new plan NOW!
Make healthy eating and exercise a part of your daily routine. Unfortunately, weight gain is something that most people will struggle with throughout life. Over indulgence of processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the two biggest contributors to this constant struggle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to change the way you think about dieting and exercise. Successful weight loss really is about making lifestyle changes, including making the right food choices,limiting your portion sizes, starting a simple exercise routine and sticking with those choices throughout life. Make healthy eating and exercise a part of your life.
As you are dieting, don't become a victim of the scale. When you first start to lose weight, it's easy to want to constantly step on the scales to check your progress, however, if you don't lose one week or your weight remains the same, its easy to get discouraged and give up. Remember that even if your weight isn't changing as quickly you would like, your body is. You will be taking better care of your body! And you will be noticing that you are feeling better, sporting a leaner body, and your clothes will begin fitting more comfortably. When you discover the pleasure in these benefits, you will want to keep your new way of life!
So, remember that losing weight doesn't have to be difficult! Just decide today that you are ready to begin a new way of life and make a plan to start NOW! Keep it simple, relax, and enjoy the benefits and you will begin seeing results quickly!
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Information just like this will help you find easy meal plans and also give you access to Diet Solutions

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Top Five Methods To Lose Belly Fat Fast

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By Peter Hogg

In the context of losing belly fat what we all require is a good resource which makes available the information and facts that would allow us to take correct decisions with regards to losing fat quickly. Here in the following sections we will explore various methods which when correctly adopted can help you with your weight loss goals.
Lose Belly Fat

1. Proper Exercise Routine
You can get rid of this by doing calorie burning aerobic exercises as these exercises help in losing fat from all parts of the body including your belly section. Unlike common misconception, it is not possible to spot burn that belly fat.
But if you do aerobic exercises regularly then belly fat would be first to go away. You can also include resistance training in your exercise routine by using resistance bands & free weights which can help you further with your weight loss goals.

2. Check Calorie Consumption
Monitoring how much calorie consumption you are having per day and reducing it is important for you to lose weight. The reduction in calorie intake should not be drastic; rather it should be a gradual process which will make losing fat quite simple and less painful. But it will always be a good thing to consult your physician before starting up with a diet plan.

3. Increase Intake of Whole Grains
Many research studies have shown that if you consume more of whole grains then losing weight will be faster compared to when you are on refined grains. The insulin & glucose response of the body changes significantly when you take in more whole grains and melting of visceral fat speeds up inside your body.
Additionally, you will see a lot of improvement if along with whole grains you take 5 servings of vegetables & fruits, 3 servings of dairy products which are low on fat & 2 servings of fish, poultry and lean meat.

4. Select Which Fats to Eat
It is well known that if your daily food consumption includes a higher percentage of MUFA or Mono Unsaturated Fats which can be found in nuts, soybeans, avocados, chocolates & seeds, the deposit of fat will be lesser in your body.
Try to avoid taking in Trans fats found in cookies, crackers & margarines or anything which is made with hydrogenated oils as these are known to result in belly fat quite quickly.

5. Increase Fiber Intake
Reduction in levels of insulin and consequent burning of belly fat known as visceral fat is increased if you intake more of soluble fibers such as cherries, apples & oats. If you are eating apples or potatoes, make sure the skin stays and you do not peel it off as most of the fibers are in the skin itself. In addition to it try and include foods which are rich in protein such as split peas which is rich in proteins.
For more tummy tucking tips and to start Losing Belly Fat fast stop by my website. I'll show you exactly what products help you lose weight and why..!

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Should You Exercise For Fast Weight Loss?

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By Michael Mukoyogo

We all want to get in better shape and this leads inevitably to the gym. It makes sense, we've been taught that if we want something we have to go out and take action, right? Exercise feels like a way of doing that something. We feel good and get that wholesome feeling that comes when we are chasing down our dreams.
But should you exercise for fast weight loss?
Here are the fundamentals
We are talking about fast weight loss. Time matters.
We don't have infinite time to spend on the body we desire. Energy deficit is the real crux. If we use more calories than we take in we will lose weight.
Just how fast it is depends on the size of the deficit you can create.
You can create the energy deficit required, using diet, exercise, or any combination of the two
The most time efficient solution that offers you the most time for life is to focus on eating rather than exercise. Here is why.
1) Exercise is inefficient
You can't out exercise a bad diet. If you could then the idea of burning off that pizza with a quick run around the block could be a happy reality. But it isn't.
2) Exercise is inconvenient
Do you really want to spend all your time on a treadmill? Not if you have a life. Being in shape should add to your life, not take it over.
3) Exercise can aid a nutrition plan, but that is it
The best use of exercise is to tone and shape your body. Fast weight loss is going to be mainly about learning to eat in line with your goals.
4) You can do less, not more, and get the results you want
Most people give up on workouts because in the end they don't have time, they have to give up being in shape. Don't let this be you, this can be a choice you never have to make, just don't start with a solution that is leading to a dead end.
So should you exercise for fast weight loss? It may help but its not the home run. Focus on learning to eat for weight loss instead and use exercise to tone and shape your body.
When you get it right, results are not only fast but get you results that are sustainable. Habits. The process of becoming that person, this is what diet gives you. You won't have to keep giving more to it like you would with exercise. (it's demoralising knowing that to get better you have to do more....forever!)
And the fear that if you ever stop the weight comes back with a vengeance.
You have a life to lead, don't waste it.
For more on why exercise isn't' the fastest route to weight loss visit

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quickest Way to Lose Weight for Those Stressful Corporate and Business Professionals

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By Lisa Huttons

As a very busy business professional, everyone is generally in a hurry; progressing from scheduled appointment to scheduled appointment and also hurrying deadline following deadline. For many individuals, getting some exercise is the very least of our fears. The truth is, most of us are simply way too completely maxed following a incredibly long work day to allow them to trudge our way to a fitness center to get a reasonable work out. For individuals that do make it to a health club, very like they will not be totally maximizing their own exercise time by simply engaging in the routines that make any difference.
So in the following paragraphs, I am going to demonstrate the quickest way to lose weight in order to get the most optimum results within the least amount of time.
Exercises tend to be typically grouped into 2 types: isolation and compound.
Isolation exercises:

Much like the term implies, isolation exercises are individual joint workouts that isolate an individual body part. Types of isolation exercises can be triceps extension, bicep curls, leg extension and also lateral shoulder raises.
Compound exercises:

These are generally multi-joint exercises that works a number of muscle groups simultaneously. Examples of compound exercises would be bent over rows, bench press, pushups, squats, dips, pull ups not to mention dead lifts.
Should your purpose is to burn fat as well as burn unhealthy calories, then the quickest way to lose weight and also entirely improve your exercise routine period would be to only concentrate on just compound exercises. The nature of compound exercises call for much more effort from your very own body and as a result, it comes with a much better calorie expenditure per work out ratio.
For instance, why don't we do a comparison of 2 leg exercises:
1. Leg extensions: isolation exercise
2. Barbell squats: compound exercise
When executing leg extensions, really the only muscle groups focused tend to be generally your own upper thighs (quadriceps) along with a little of your calf muscles.
Barbell squats conversely, stimulates not merely your upper thighs, but additionally your hamstrings, calf muscles, small of the back, abdominal muscles as well as backside! (Which means this one single physical exercise properly focuses on almost all trouble spots that a lot of women have concerns with)
Let's assume that most of us devote exactly the same period of time doing both exercises, the barbell squats undoubtedly burns up much more calories plus it also concentrates on numerous muscle groups at the same time workout some other body parts.
Therefore the next time for anybody who is in a hurry and they are interested in the quickest way to lose weight, choose solely compound exercises and that you will rapidly notice as well as feel the big difference.
In case you work in an office and are also looking for the quickest way to lose weight or perhaps want to know how to reduce tummy in a mere ten minutes a day, has a free corporate fat reduction starter kit that promises you'll be able to burn off to 5 pounds within the first week! Visit now.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lose Weight Fast With Positive Self Talk

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By Jason Nicholls

Can positive self-talk actually help lose weight without pills? There is no single easy answer to this query, merely as there is, in truth, no single, easy way that can be used for foolproof weight loss. Certainly just sitting down and self-talking about losing weight will not be the single thing you have to do for real weight loss results, simply because positive self-talk does not work quite that way. It can't move pounds move from your body, but if practised properly and effectively it can alter your intellectual state and your openness to the idea that many parts of a weight loss program will lead you toward long term, balanced weight loss. Positive self-talking is not about getting anywhere without having to do any single thing at all, but rather about motivating yourself to get the willpower you need to reach your goals.
What is the first step toward losing weight through affirmations?

First, you need to make a definite affirmation about the weight-loss procedure. Start by reminding yourself that you are fully committed to getting a healthier body and more balanced life style. Verbalize how fantastic you will feel once you have achieved your goals, and continually reinforce all these statements to completely make them your own.
Next, you should decide if you are carrying extra weight and in need of an actual diet and physical exercise regimen at all. Some men and women have been conditioned to the idea of their weight by spiteful comments made in their childhood or adolescent years or influenced by the media's concept of beauty, but might actually they may have a perfect weight to height ratio.
First, therefore, you ought to first ask a doctor, who will give information that your weight, height and lifestyle are okay. If you are not, there might not be a physical weakness in your current life style but rather a health issue. Maybe your doctor will discover a thyroid imbalance or other health condition that has contributed to your weight, stopping you from achieving a healthy body image. If this is the case, no number of positive self-talking sessions will help you merely because traditional weight loss programs will not be of any use to you, because your trouble will need to be dealt with medically. If, however, your trouble is to do with dieting and/or physical exercise, your doctor might be able to give you suggestions as to how you can go about losing weight in a healthy way.
They may suggest various vitamins, or suggest that you correct other wellness concerns that would make the weight loss process hard or even dangerous, like anemia or high blood pressure. These conditions need to be sorted out and monitored before you are available to start any sort of physical exercise program.
Okay, after you have seen a doctor, how does affirmation and self-talk come into the picture? Once you have discussed your health with a doctor, you can start the process of making affirmations and self-talking as motivation to lose weight fast. Now that you have acquired some real facts from your family doctor, you have an idea on which to concentrate when you look at yourself and the problem you wish to tackle.
Your physician will have given you some medical information about the weight loss procedure, and it is a great thing to do, to retain this and keep it handy every time you sit down to prepare yourself for your exercise and self-talk program. Study the data and remind yourself how wonderful, well and fantastic you will feel once you have accomplished the program, and refer to the materials given to you by your physician. They will provide a sound foundation for reminding yourself of your goals as well as how possible it is to accomplish them.
By spending a few minutes each morning, invigorating yourself with these reminders, you will build yourself the incentive necessary for starting and keeping up healthy dieting and an exercise program that suits you best for losing weight.
If you want to lose weight fast, you need to click here for Permanent Weight Loss

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How to Lose Fat - Top Five Foods That Increase Metabolism

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By Lorna Eldridge

Losing fat doesn't need to be difficult or stressful. By implementing the following five foods into your diet, you will not only increase your metabolism but you will lose fat which is stored in your body. The metabolic process changes your caloric intake into energy. You need this energy in order for your body to function properly.
Your metabolism is always on the move - whether you are sleeping or exercising. Metabolism plays an important role in creating new cells and tissue. If your metabolism is sluggish, it doesn't burn fat as easily which leads to weight gain and you will not be able to lose fat. By adding exercise to your daily schedule, you increase your metabolism even more!
By incorporating these five foods into your daily diet, you will not only increase your metabolism but you break down fat within cells which will help you lose fat over time.
1. Whole Grains: Choose whole grain breads, pasta and brown rice which are packed with fiber. Steel cut oatmeal makes a healthy breakfast. The fiber found in whole grains lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and will help you lose fat.
2. Fruits and Vegetables: Not only do fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals, they play an important role in the fat-burning process. Other rich sources of fiber can be found in broccoli and berries. Fruits and vegetables also contain important antioxidants which help fight disease such as cancer.
3. Low Fat Yogurt: Yogurt plays an effective role in the metabolic process. Yogurt is packed with calcium - a mineral is much needed to build healthy, strong bones. If the body doesn't get enough calcium, it releases calcitrol - a hormone which causes the body to store fat, making it very difficult to lose fat. By eating low fat yogurt, the calcium found in yogurt helps regulate fat storage which promotes weight loss.
4. Lean Turkey: Lean meats such as turkey also increase the metabolic process. Turkey contains protein which is essential for building muscle mass. Turkey contains an important amino acid leucine which keeps muscle mass intact which will help you to lose fat. The protein found in lean turkey increases the body's metabolic rate (which aids in further weight loss).
5. Peanuts: Peanuts help regulates the body's blood sugar levels which help with hunger pangs. Opt for low salt peanuts - too much salt can elevate blood pressure which isn't healthy.
Additional tips to remember when increasing the body's metabolism:
• Don't skip breakfast because that slows down the metabolic process. It's important to start the day off with breakfast. Choose healthy breakfast options such as steel-cut oatmeal or fruit.

• Don't starve yourself. Do not drop caloric intake to under 1,000 calories per day. When your body goes into starvation mode, you slow down your metabolism which isn't healthy for the body, and makes it hard for you to lose fat.

• Eat smaller meals on a more frequent basis. Smaller, frequent meals regulate blood sugar levels (glucose) and keep your metabolism running efficiently (which keeps off the pounds!)

• Incorporate aerobic exercise such as cycling, running, swimming or walking into your daily routine. It's important to increase your heart rate which speeds up the metabolism and aids in burning calories and will aid you to lose fat.
Best wishes,
Lorna Eldridge

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why Doesn't My Diet Work?

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By Robert Leverett

Is your diet no longer working? If you've been using your very best sticking to your diet effort, though not generating any improvement then you're most likely the victim of a slowed down rate of metabolism. But this isn't an issue you need to accept, actually by logically arranging an overeating or cheaters day you can supercharge your metabolic process and improve your weight-loss. So many people do not realise why metabolism is so important to your weight loss and how you can boost it by overeating to fool your body into reacting.

As far as a diet not working. Your metabolism does reach a plateau after a while of the same calorie intake, also yo-yo dieting can make it harder to lose weight. That's why we try to emphasis "life style" rather than "diet". Diet implies it's only for a short time, and as you know that doesn't work. But, developing healthy habits WILL work and you can lose weight.
The Diet will work, but will you?
Therefore, this "human nature" tendency is to blame it on the diet not working (moving on to the next "diet of the month"). Or it must be a hormonal problem, genetics, or this whole calories in - calories out thing is wrong.

Generally speaking and extremely annoyingly, are those who are constantly "going on a diet" but can't in fact follow a single program, or, cheat constantly, and when they make a complaint about the diet program no longer working. People who are over weight, unhealthy, or immobile because of their incapacity to do anything whatsoever they don't enjoy, or try to justify this kind of conduct, are perhaps no better than they deserve.

Most people who would like to lose weight don't realise why their weight loss program is no longer working. A lot of people avoid calorie intake, start exercising regularly but nonetheless their weight isn't decreasing. Many people around the world who're dieting are experiencing this situation.
Diet programs aren't magic and they've got limits of their very own. Moreover, the industry is loaded with dietary fads that don't do a lot but squander your time and money. Some are actually harmful for you in the event you do too much of them. So if you're your diet program isn't helping you. You're not alone. There are plenty of people exactly like you who're dealing with identical issues. They might be feeling undernourished, struggling with poor concentration and perhaps they are also feeling deprived. In these situations, you actually need something which goes beyond just what you eat.
At any given time water loss or retention can confound the problem, as when ever you reduce the food consumption your whole body automatically takes out water therefore you drop some weight (although not much body fat) that is quite motivating. Even so after a couple of days it actually starts to retain water once more giving the impression that your particular weight loss program is no longer working. At this stage a lot of people quit and check out one more diet plan which just confuses your metabolic processes. Progressive change is the better way I believe, just eliminate a single harmful factor each and every fortnight or so till you have given up all of the that you would like to.

Preserving your diet regime is a hardship on many, because they think that after carrying out one or two weeks of the diet they're in a position to come back and the situation is now okay. Whilst it may be possible to get rid of a few kilo's using this method, more frequently you will get back everything you lost and much more by quitting the exercise in the middle. This is often frustrating to the men and women taking part making them think that the diet program just isn't working when in fact it is their personal conduct that is certainly stopping this diet from working. This results in a self-defeating impression that may prevent them from reaching their set goals with-out bringing in support.
If you need more...
As you may think, I am enthusiastic about diets and dieting, see if you agree with me at

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Why You Can't Find a Diet That Works

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By Bryan Carpenter

We should first look at why our society is over weight in the first place. Where to begin? First we should talk about portion size. The portion size of the food we consume at home and when we dine out has nearly doubled in the last 30 years. The portion size of the packaged food we buy has followed suit. I don't want to blame one industry but the rise of fast food restaurants have helped create our supper sized eating habits. From the mid 1970's to the early 1990's the number of fast food restaurants increased by 75%. Fast food franchises have cheap food in large portions that are ready in minutes. The fast food industry is not the only restaurant chains that have super sized their portions. Almost all restaurants big or small advertise huge portions as a way to bring in consumers. We have all seen the commercials. More for our money is an attractive and effective marketing tool. So attractive that we have continued the practice in our homes. We have bigger plates and we fill them up every time. I was told to clean my plate and we teach our children the same habits. Changing these habits is the first step.
Portion size is only step one we have much more to do. The kind of calories that we consume are as much to blame. processed foods traditionally have less nutritional value and more calories. When we reach for sugar filled treats or sodas we re-enforce are cravings for sugar. Sugar and our almost addictive need for it is enemy number one. We consume one hundred and fifty six pounds of added sugar every year according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Did you know that is over 30 five pound bags of sugar for each of us. Most of it is hidden. What is "hidden Sugar"? It's the sugar in our diet that was added by the producer. We only add 5% of the sugar consumed ourselves (table sugar or other sweeteners). So I think you should be able to see how important it is to know what is in the foods that we consume. Especially the foods that are processed or pre-packaged meals. Learning how to read nutritional labels is a necessity in todays marketplace. And that will be a subject of a future article.
Hold on, I have one more thing to discuss before I give you the secret to weight loss and improved energy. I will expand more on this in a future article, but here is the short version. I like to call this change in our society "living the easy life". Technology is a blessing in many ways but it can be a curses to our health. Making a daily habit of spending a large block of time in front of the T.V. or playing video games can be dangerous. We love our movie's, T.V. and video games but they are the biggest obstacle in reaching our weight loss goals. You don't have to run 10 miles or work out for an hour every day but you need to get off the coach and move! Severely limit the time you spend on the coach and keep moving. I know we all have many projects that need our attention (to do lists). Spend one month and tell yourself that I'm going to get them done. You will be shocked at all the things that you will accomplish and how much better you feel. Turn it off and move.
O.K. you have been waiting to know the one thing that has stopped you from losing the weight. In one word "YOU". To lose weight even a small amount and keep it off you need to change YOUR HABITS. I didn't write this to discourage you or make you feel guilty. I wrote it to motivate you. You can do it! You can lose the weight and keep it off! You must make real lasting changes in your habits. You may need support. Find the support you need and make the change. You can do it.
Come to my new web page and see if we can help you reach your goals.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weight Management Tips - 10 Of The Best

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By Rachel Sarah Moore

Here are 10 Of The Best Weight Management Tips which have been put together to help you conquer this time old problem and help you on your way to successful weight reduction and ultimately to successful weight management in the future:

  1. Always eat from a smallish dinner plate. Plate sizes have changed dramatically over the past few years and by using a smaller dinner plate you will automatically eat less even though your plate still looks nice a full.
  2. Always drink plenty of water each day including half a pint of water half an hour before you eat so that your body has time to work out if it is hungry or thirsty. The signals for hunger and thirst are very similar. Drinking water before you eat will help your body work out for itself whether it is hungry or thirsty and this will naturally help you stop overeating.
  3. Use an appetite control supplement every day to help you keep in control of your appetite. Once you start eating larger portions, it's very easy to continue eating larger portions.
  4. Put limits on how many treats you are allowed each day and choose them wisely.
  5. Always ask for sauces on the side so that you can dip your food into the sauce rather than have it poured over your food by the chef or even by yourself.
  6. Make sure you understand how to portion control properly and remember to implement it.
  7. Eat plenty of the right kind of protein to help you stay feeling fuller for longer.
  8. Keep control of your alcohol intake
  9. Choose restaurants wisely and the food that you choose inside them. Share main courses whenever you can.
  10. Keep your body moving, walking, cycling, vacuuming, dancing - whatever just keep moving to burn off those calories.
If you would like more free weight management tips like the ones you've just read the please click here
Alternatively if you would like to lose weight working with Rachel then please click here
Rachel Moore has worked in the Health & Nutrition industry for 7 years personally helping thousands of people to successfully lose, gain and maintain their weight and ultimately lead healthier and happier lives.

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Lose Weight Fast - Learn Effective Ways To Burn Fat Fast

By Sharon Belva

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No one wants to be a loser, unless you are looking to lose weight. Losing weight is a struggle, which is why most of us put it off rather than take it off, but there are a few simple things you can do to help yourself in your effort to lose weight.
Forget counting calories. For most people it just does not work. It's too easy to lose count and to cheat. Rather than count calories, strive to burn fat by controlling what you eat. To lose weight fast, you must burn fat fast. Experts are now recognizing that the creators of diets which stress low carbohydrates are among the best tools you can use in your effort to burn fat.
How do you get that fat burning furnace fired up? It is a proven fact that the body uses carbs as "fuel", but, by taking in too many carbohydrates you give your body more fuel than it needs. So, since it cannot use that fuel, your body stores it. And, it stores those excess carbohydrates as fat. By greatly reducing your intake of carbs you will force your body to burn fat fast. The body must have fuel to function and without carbohydrates, it will resort to burning fat instead.
One way to quickly reduce your carbohydrate intake is to eliminate white breads and white sugars from your diet. Remember that starch converts to sugar in the body, so cut back on things like pasta as well. If this is too much for you to start with, cut back slowly. Not only will you start to lose weight fast, you will soon notice a difference in the way you feel. Your energy will increase because you will be giving your body less sugar. Too much sugar makes you feel sluggish. Cut down and notice not only weight loss, but more energy.
Exercise for some of us it's almost a bad word, but there's no way around it. Increasing the amount of exercise your body gets is going to help you with losing weight and, just like cutting down on carbs, it too will make you feel better. There are so many different means of exercise and the key to sticking with an exercise routine is to find one that you actually like. If you don't like it, you won't stay with it.
Another way to help you lose weight is to learn what triggers your eating. Usually it is not actual hunger but more likely to be something else. For some, the trigger is stress. For others it's boredom. Pay attention too when you find yourself eating when it isn't meal time. Once you learn to recognize your eating triggers, you can make an effort to divert yourself from them.
Losing weight doesn't normally "just happen". It takes a conscious effort, but by making some small changes, you will soon see big results.
Learn the best way to lose weight fast and get rid of your body fat maintaining your muscles in the process.
Sharon from

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Three Simple Ways to Lose Weight Naturally and Fast


By Rakesh Sethi

Many people dream of losing weight either for health reasons or to look slim. At this time and age, having a fit and healthy body can really be considered as an asset. With this, not only will you be able to do any hobbies or sports that you like; you will also get better opportunities in life because you are more energized. However, to lose weight naturally and fast and to have a healthy and fit body is something you have to work for and you can not expect it to happen by itself as you wake up one day. Listed below are three simple ways you can apply in your daily routine to lose weight naturally and fast.
• First, remember the eight glasses of water a day rule? Drinking water is a great way in cleansing your body system and in boosting your metabolic rate. Research shows and you may sometimes feel that thirst and hunger are triggered together. When you are dehydrated or you feel thirsty, you sometimes mistakenly think that you are hungry, right? With this, you will eat up that will add up to your calorie and fat intake. The way to avoid this is to keep your body hydrated. Water also suppresses your appetite, so when you drink a glass of water before meals, you will surely eat less and this will help you lose weight naturally and fast.
• Second, be mindful of your calorie intake and include "negative" calorie foods (see below). Read the labels of food to know how much calories you are going to take. Know the amount of servings in a package and strictly stay with eating one serving of food. It is very easy eat more than one serving, if one is not aware this fact. If there is an alternative food you can eat that will give you lesser calories but same energy, eat it. For instance, a half cup of rice is 300 calories but a half cup of spinach is only 15 calories and both foods can give you the same amount of energy.
• Third, include "negative" calorie foods! These are the foods that have no calorie at all. In fact, these foods use more calories to be digested than the calories they contain. For example, a cup of your favorite dessert is 500 calories and your body will need 250 calories to digest it. The remaining 250 calories will be converted to fats already. This is avoided when it comes to eating negative calorie foods. Some examples of negative calories foods are papaya, orange, pineapple, broccoli, lettuce, radish, and cabbage so make sure to include them in your daily meal.
Lastly, to lose weight naturally and fast, do not skip meals. Some people believe that skipping meals will make them thinner but it is actually the opposite. When you deprive yourself of food, you tend to crave and eat more on your next meal, so avoid getting super hungry. Ideally, eat small servings of food more often. Say for example, you can eat light meals six times a day instead of eating heavy foods three times a day. These are just three simple and easy ways to lose weight naturally and fast. Just remember that being healthy is not just about becoming slim but also looking and feeling healthy as well.
Thank you for your time & attention to this subject. Please read more and share with your friends the Herbs and Right Foods Help Lose Weight Naturally and Fast for life long Health benefits awareness
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