Friday, April 8, 2011

If You Are Overweight You Are Putting Your Health At Serious Risk

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By Carolyn Hansen

There is not a person alive who wishes to live his life out in sickness; the majority of us have a desire to enjoy health, happiness, love, and fun throughout our entire lives. However, what many do not know is that the lifestyles we are currently leading are not going to give us these results. Instead, the excess fat that we carry around is killing us, silently, from the inside out.
For some you may already feel the effects - fatigued, winded, low self-esteem, etc. - for others these "symptoms" may not have hit quite yet. And for others the "symptoms" have even turned external where you notice you are starting to look worn and aged. Most of these symptoms are caused by an improper diet and the lack of a proper workout program; all of which can be fixed if you truly desire to be healthy and young.
It is sad that letting ourselves go is so much easier than taking care of ourselves. Most even see the signs and see that they are letting themselves go, but do nothing to change this. There could be many reasons for this, but the greatest reason seems to be that people are not aware of the negative effects this has on your health and the longevity of life. See, as we age we lose sight of what we want physically because we get so tied up in life. But with this comes poor diet and the loss of muscle mass.
Muscle mass loss may not sound too bad, but it is actually quite dangerous. See, muscle acts as a positive in your body; it burns fat, creates energy, and overall helps your body function properly keeping you young and healthy. When you start to lose muscle, both your physical appearance and health start to dwindle. Add to this a poor diet and the addition of more fat each year, and you are walking down a path that will lead to nothing but illness.
The goal, if you want to be healthy and physically at your best, is to rebuild this muscle mass. It does not matter how old you are or how overweight you are, you can do this. Building muscle takes time, dedication, and hard work. So, if you want to be successful you need to be ready to make a lifestyle change. It is time to start eating a diet filled with clean foods (veggies, fruits, meats, dairy, grains) and start working out to build those muscles. Strength training exercises are the only way to achieve this; simply focus on all of your muscle groups 2-3 times a week for about 30 minutes each session and your lean muscle mass will begin to increase.
Don't let the negativity of a busy life and age get to you; physically or mentally. You deserve to live the life you always wanted so get off your bum and do something about it. Help to change this lazy mentality our society has and teach yourself, your friends, your children and grandchildren that there is a healthy, energetic way to live life.
If you feel that overeating or eating the wrong types of foods might be a problem for you, and you would like to put an end to it and get on the fat loss fast track, grab my free 35-page report that shows you how to Outsmart Your Hunger. You can download it right now from here healthy eating
While you are there check out my fat loss blueprint designed to assist people with their fat loss goals, one meal at a time.

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