Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Diet Secrets of The Famous for Fitness and Health

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By Jason Nicholls

Stars have to look great - they're famous! When they are on television or in movies or waltzing down the red carpet during movie premieres and annual awards, they always look great and impress us with their celebrity "presence" They have the "it" factor! We forget that in fact it takes a lot of work to stay the way they look, and because of their fame, they are expected to keep up appearances and stay looking great to promote themselves and the movies they are in. Their attractive appearance is also key to getting those movie or TV offers! Great clothes, hair and makeup, yes, but also, they have to take real good care of their figures.
I think you will agree that there are secrets we can learn from these celebrities when it comes to being fit, healthy and attractive. Their fitness programmes cover all aspects of diet and exercise workouts. Who wouldn't want to know their diet secrets in staying utterly sexy? Let's take a look at these famous ladies.
1. The 40:30:30 diet

One particular famous lady is well known for having one of the sexiest figures in Hollywood, and appearing in many magazine shoots. To stay fit and healthy, she follows the "40:30:30" Dieting method. This particular diet is split this way:
40% low sugar carbohydrates

- for example: beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes
30% lean proteins

- i.e. tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low-fat dairy products
30% essential (non-saturated) fats

- derived from nuts, seeds, fish and olive oils
For this diet it is important that each meal is balanced and contains plenty of vitamins to maintain health and optimal weight balance.
2. One star of the screen put on 60lbs when she was pregnant. She needed to lose weight fast before shooting began on her next film. She changed her eating habits and went on a high protein diet. She also cut down on the size of her meals and included weight training, cardio workouts in her weight loss plan. At one time, the media were less than complimentary about her figure just after she had her baby, but, in 4 short months, she lost all those extra pounds and her abs became the envy of Hollywood!
3. Regular workouts and dietary lifestyle

The one underlying attribute of all the lady celebrities whose diet secrets appear here need to look good for the camera. One very well known figure is known for her continual fight to stop gaining weight. Yet, even at 50 years of age, she looks great and maintains her image by working out 5 times per week: 30 mins treadmill plus free weights and also with a diet containing fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, white meat (chicken) and low fat dairy products. She also does not eat after 7pm. You could do well to follow this lifestyle if weight is a continual problem.
4. Yoga

Many people cannot imagine that another beautiful award winning actress has to work hard at staying slim and healthy. It is a reminder to all of us, that fitness and being healthy is a way of life - it is about lifestyle. She follows a similar diet to that in (3) and also avoids sugar and white (processed) flower. She also does not eat dairy foods and carries out yoga exercise as part of her daily fitness regime.
5. More Yoga

Another often flaunts a body that many say is to die for, and has risen to be a model of fitness through several decades of stardom. This particular star of stage uses Ashtanga Yoga to keep that fantastic body trim and stays clear of junk foods. Her diet is macrobiotic in nature and full of organic foods high in lean protein.
6. Salads for this supermodel

This fabulous model lady enjoys salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and a lot of fresh fruit during the day. While on locations, her preference is for black grapes, drinking tomato juice and herbal tea.
7. Vegetarian Celeb

This celebrity model is a vegetarian and does not eat junk food, no matter how much she may want them. For a snack, she eats sweet potato and not chocolate bars. And those times she needs to lose weight fast, she goes on a liquid juice diet, temporarily.
Hollywood stars are the same as you and me. Perhaps more so, they need to maintain their perfect figures because they are so much in the camera and in the limelight. We may not be Hollywood models and celebrities, but we can still have bodies like theirs! By following a fitness plan and adopting it as part of your lifestyle, you will look younger, feel younger and stay healthy longer. You can look ready for the a red-carpet day each time you look in the mirror, if you follow a plan and stick with it. The secret, is to make diet and fitness exercise as part of your daily life.
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