Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Diet

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By Marelisa Fabrega

One of the main things people procrastinate on is going on a diet. Experts indicate that going on a diet and losing weight is one of those resolutions that most people make each New Year's, and it's also one of the resolutions people are most likely to break. Even people who are very good about doing what they need to do in most areas of their life tend to have problems when it comes to dieting. This article will give you some tips on how to stop procrastinating and get started on your diet.
You may put off getting started with your diet with all sorts of excuses, such as the following:
• I first need to eat the food that's already in my pantry and my refrigerator. I know that it's not healthy food, but it's already in the house and it would be a huge waste to just throw it out.

• Well, now it's Thanksgiving, and I can't possibly refuse a second helping of my mother's turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, after she's been slaving over a hot stove for two days.

• No one goes on a diet during the Christmas holiday season. There are just too many parties and dinners to attend.

• My birthday is in January, and my friends all take turns taking me out for birthday dinners all throughout the month.
The excuses for putting off your dieting can potentially go on forever. The solution, then, is to set a date on which you're going to start your diet within the next two weeks, tell all your friends and family members so that they'll keep you accountable, and when the date you've set comes around, get started. It doesn't matter if you have to throw out or give away boxes of unhealthy food you have stored away in your kitchen, or if your social calendar is full. Your start date is set in stone.
In order to reinforce your commitment to your diet, you need to create a long list of reasons why you want to go on a diet. For example, you may come up with the following:
• I want to lose weight in order to decrease my chances of having a heart attack.

• I want to lose weight in order to decrease my chances of getting diabetes.

• I want to lose weight because of an article I just read linking obesity to Alzheimer's.

• I want to lose weight so that I can feel more attractive.

• I want to lose weight so that I can play sports with my son, who's very active and loves the outdoors.

• I want to lose weight so that I'll feel more comfortable in my clothes.
Come up with a list of at least ten reasons why you want to go on a diet and lose weight. The more reasons you come up with, the more likely it is that you'll stick to your diet. In addition, try to infuse your reasons with emotion. For example, one of your reasons for going on a diet and losing weight can be to live long enough to see your son grow up, graduate from college, get married, and have a child of his own.
By setting a specific date by which you'll get started on your diet, letting loved ones know so that they'll hold you accountable, and having a long list of reasons why you want to lose weight, you've increased your chances of beating procrastination and getting started with your diet. Whenever you feel like you might fall of the bandwagon, call a friend for support or review your list of reasons why you want to lose weight. Get started applying these tips right away.
Written by Marelisa Fabrega. For more information on how to stop procrastinating, visit The Procrastination Equation.

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